Perle Systems Network Card S 1110 XT User Manual

Perle10/100/1000 Ethernet  
Extended Temperature  
Media Converters  
Installation Guide  
P/N 5500321-10  
The default DIP switch settings (all switches in the UP position)  
will work for most installations.  
These are the steps required to configure the Perle S-1110-XT  
Ethernet media converter:  
1. Insert SFP Module (SFP Model only).  
2. Set the Auto-MDIX jumper setting (optional).  
3. Set the DIP switch settings (if required).  
4. Set the Powering Option Jumpers (if required).  
5. Install and connect the fiber cable(s).  
6. Install and connect the copper cable(s).  
7. Power up the media converter.  
Auto-MDIX Jumper Settings  
Note: The factory settings for Auto-MDIX will work for most  
installations, but in the rare case that you need to modify the  
settings, the procedure is below.  
To access the Auto-MDIX jumper settings, unscrew the six side  
screws on the case and remove the cover plate. Locate the MDIX  
AUTO jumper set as detailed below. By covering or strapping pins  
1 and 2, the S-1110-XT will operate as an MDIX device. By  
covering or strapping pins 2 and 3, the S-1110XT will  
automatically detect the Ethernet cable’s polarity. Removing the  
strapping is the same as AUTO.  
Note: The default jumper setting is AUTO  
Perle 10/100/1000 Ethernet Extended Temperature Media Converter  
Installation Guide  
DIP Switches  
The DIP switches are accessible through the opening in the side  
of the enclosure.  
Note: All switch changes take effect immediately.  
DIP Switch Settings  
Auto Negotiation copper (Switch 1)  
Switch Position Copper  
Up (default)  
Note: Auto negotiation should only be turned off, if the copper link  
partner does not support Auto Negotiation and fixed settings are  
required by the copper link partner.  
Perle 10/100/1000 Ethernet Extended Temperature Media Converter  
Installation Guide  
Auto: When enabled, the media converter will negotiate with its  
link partner to determine the most optimal parameters for this  
connection. The S-1110-XT will advertise capabilities of 10,100  
and 1000 Mbps, full and half duplex as well as pause, and remote  
fault capabilities to the link partner.  
If the copper link partner does not support Auto negotiation, the  
S-1110-XT will parallel detect to 10 or 100 Mbps and force Half  
Duplex mode as per IEEE specifications.  
Off: When the Auto Negotiation switch is set to the OFF position,  
the media converter will not negotiate the Ethernet parameters  
with the copper link partner. The parameters used by the media  
converter will be determined by the Duplex (switch 4) and Speed  
(switch 5) DIP switch settings.  
Link Mode (Switch 2)  
Switch Position Mode  
Up (default)  
Standard Mode  
Smart Link Pass-Through  
Standard Mode: In this mode, link on the fiber and copper sides  
can be brought up and down independently of each other. A loss  
of link on either the fiber or copper port can occur without affecting  
the other connection.  
Smart Link Pass-Through In this mode, the link state on one  
connection is directly reflected through the media converter to the  
other connection. If link is lost on one of the connections, then the  
other link will be brought down by the media converter.  
If the installation has a media converter on both ends of the fiber  
link and both are set-up for Smart Link Pass-Through, then a loss  
of copper link on the far end device will propagate through both  
media converters and will result in a loss of link at the near end  
Perle 10/100/1000 Ethernet Extended Temperature Media Converter  
Installation Guide  
Fiber Fault Alert (Switch 3)  
Switch Position Fiber Port  
Up (default)  
Enabled: If the media converter detects a loss of signal on the  
fiber receiver, it will immediately disable its fiber transmitter signal  
on the same port. This, in effect, notifies the fiber link partner that  
an error condition exists on the fiber connection.  
If the remote media converter is set up for Fiber Fault Alert (FFA)  
and the local media converter is set up with Link Pass-Through, a  
loss of fiber link will be passed through to the local copper  
connection thus notifying the connected device.  
If the media converter has been set to Smart Link Pass-Through  
mode, the effect will be the same as FFA, since the link loss on  
the fiber receiver will result in bringing down the copper link, which  
will in turn cause the transmit fiber link to be brought down.  
Note: This feature only takes effect if Fiber Negotiation has been  
turned off.  
Disabled: The media converter will not monitor for or generate  
Fiber Fault Alert.  
Perle 10/100/1000 Ethernet Extended Temperature Media Converter  
Installation Guide  
Illustration of the FFA  
The following diagram is an illustration of the operation of this  
(A) – Remote Media Converter setup for Fiber Fault Alert Enabled,  
Fiber Negotiation – OFF and Link Mode – Standard.  
(B) – Local Media Converter setup for Fiber Fault Alert Enabled,  
Smart Link Pass-Through On and Fiber Negotiation - OFF  
1 – (A) Loses fiber connection on its receiver.  
2 – (A) Sends FFA.  
3 – (B) Detects FFA signal and shuts down the fiber link.  
4 – (B) Drops link on copper connection because Smart Link  
Pass-Through is configured.  
5 – (A) Link on copper connection is not affected because Smart  
Link Mode is set to Standard.  
Duplex copper (Switch 4)  
Switch Position Copper port  
Up (default)  
Full Duplex  
Half Duplex  
Note: When Auto Negotiation (SW1) is set to Off, the media  
converter will use this Duplex setting for the copper port.  
Full Duplex: In the Up switch position; the media converter will be  
set to Full Duplex mode.  
Half Duplex: The media converter will be set to Half Duplex  
Perle 10/100/1000 Ethernet Extended Temperature Media Converter  
Installation Guide  
Speed copper (Switch 5)  
Switch Position Copper port  
Up (default)  
Note When Auto Negotiation (SW1) is set to Off, the media  
converter will use this switch setting for the copper port speed.  
100: When Switch 5 is in the Up position, the S-1110-XT will force  
the speed to 100 Mbps.  
10: When Switch 5 is in the Down position the media converter will  
force the speed to 10 Mbps.  
Auto Fiber Negotiation (Switch 6)  
1000 Mbps  
Up (default)  
Auto: The Media Converter will negotiate Ethernet parameters on  
the fiber connection. This will ensure that the most optimal  
connection parameters will be in effect. If connecting to another  
Perle Media Converter, this parameter should be set to Auto. The  
Media Converter Module will advertise 1000Mbps, Full and Half  
Duplex, no Pause.  
Off: The Media Converter Module’s fiber will be fixed to  
1000Mbps, Full Duplex.  
When using a 100 Mbps SFP module  
Full/Half Duplex on Fiber (Switch 6)  
100 Mbps  
Up (default)  
Full Duplex  
Half Duplex  
Full Duplex: The Media Converter Module will be set to Full  
Duplex mode on its fiber link.  
Perle 10/100/1000 Ethernet Extended Temperature Media Converter  
Installation Guide  
Half Duplex: The Media Converter Module will be set to Half  
Duplex mode on its fiber link.  
Loopback Fiber-1 (Switch 7)  
Switch Position Mode  
Up (default)  
Disabled: The loopback feature is disabled. This is default  
position for normal operation. The switch must be set to this  
position in order for data to pass through the media converter.  
Enabled: This is a test mode. All data received on the receive  
(RX) fiber connection is looped back to the transmit (TX) fiber  
connection. The data link will be disabled; however power to the  
powered devices will be maintained. This mode will override all  
other switch settings.  
Installing the SFP Fiber Module  
SFP models only.  
1. Locate the appropriate fiber module and insert the SFP into  
the opening on the front of the media converter.  
2. Ensure the SFP module is properly seated. The release latch  
of the SPF fiber transceiver must be in the closed (up) position  
before insertion.  
3. The SFP module may be inserted before or after applying  
power to the media converter.  
4. Proceed with cable connections.  
Installing the Duplex Fiber Cable  
1. Locate a 1000Base-X compliant duplex (2 strands) fiber cable  
with appropriate connectors.  
2. Connect the fiber cables from one media converter to the  
other media converter/switch/fiber device ensuring that the RX  
and TX are reversed (crossed) at the opposite end.  
Perle 10/100/1000 Ethernet Extended Temperature Media Converter  
Installation Guide  
Installing the Simplex Fiber Cable  
1. Locate a 1000Base-X compliant simplex (1 strand) fiber cable  
with appropriate connectors. Ensure that the TX wavelength  
matches the RX wavelength at the other end and the RX  
wavelength matches the TX wavelength at the other end.  
2. Connect the fiber cable from one media converter to the other  
media converter/switch/fiber device.  
Installing the Copper Cable  
1. Locate 10/100/1000Base-T compliant copper cables with the  
appropriate connectors.  
2. Connect the RJ-45 cable between the Perle media converter  
and the device.  
Note: The Perle media converter supports Auto-MDIX which  
allows connection of a straight-through or cross-over Ethernet  
cable. See Auto-MDIX Jumper Settings in this guide for jumper  
Grounding the Media Converter  
If your installation requires additional grounding this procedure can  
be followed.  
Grounding the chassis requires the following items:  
One grounding lug (not provided).  
Grounding wire 12 to 18 AWG (not provided).  
Cross-head screwdriver (not provided).  
Note: For your safety, when installing this equipment, always  
ensure that the chassis ground connection is installed first and  
disconnected last.  
Perle 10/100/1000 Ethernet Extended Temperature Media Converter  
Installation Guide  
1. Attach the grounding lug to the ground wire.  
2. Attach the lug to the chassis with the grounding screw(s).  
Powering up the Perle Media  
Extended Temperature models are supplied with a  
Pluggable Terminal Block  
Unplug the terminal block from the Media Converter.  
Ensure the Power Source is off.  
Strip both wires 5mm (3/16th inch)  
Loosen the terminal block screws and connect Positive (+)  
wire to the left terminal. Connect the Negative (-) wire to  
the right terminal. Tighten Terminal screws (0.22Nm-  
0.25Nm torque).  
Plug the terminal block into the Media Converter  
Turn on power source.  
Check that the PWR LED light is lit.  
For extra power cable strain relief, attach the strain clip to  
the case as shown below, and thread the power cable  
through the clip in either one or two loops.  
Perle 10/100/1000 Ethernet Extended Temperature Media Converter 11  
Installation Guide  
Status LED  
The Perle 10/100/1000 Rate converting Extended Temperature  
Media converters have status LEDs located on the front panel of  
the unit.  
On – Power is applied to the unit  
Blinking (slow) – Loopback mode (one or both fiber interfaces are in  
loopback mode)  
Blinking (fast) Power On failure. See LED Pattern to determine pattern  
combination and failure cause  
LED Pattern  
SFP incompatible  
Internal hardware  
All other LED patterns  
FDF- (Fiber Duplex)  
On – Full Duplex  
Off – Half Duplex  
LKF- (Status on Fiber Link)  
On – Fiber link is present  
Off – No fiber link present  
Blinking (slow) – Fiber link appears functional – Fiber link has been  
brought down by Smart Link Pass-Through  
Blinking (fast) – Fiber link up and receiving data  
Perle 10/100/1000 Ethernet Extended Temperature Media Converter  
Installation Guide  
SPD- (Copper Port)  
Green – 1000 Mbps  
Orange – 100 Mbps  
Off – 10 Mbps (if link is currently established)  
FDC- (Duplex on Copper)  
On – Full Duplex Mode  
Off – Half Duplex Mode  
LKC- (Link Status on Copper port)  
On – Copper link is present  
Off – No copper link present  
Blinking (slow) – Copper link appears functional – Copper link has  
been brought down by Smart Link Pass-Through.  
Blinking (fast) – Copper link up and receiving data  
Ensure power source is connected.  
Ensure the remote device’s fiber connection type is  
compatible with the media converter. If using a simplex  
fiber connection, ensure that you have both an Upstream  
(U) and Downstream (D) media converter.  
Ensure all cabling is of the correct type and is in good  
working order.  
For duplex fiber connections, ensure the RX and TX has  
been reversed between the two media converters.  
No connectivity  
If unable to get full connectivity with all DIP switches in the UP  
position, this procedure is recommended for troubleshooting.  
Perle 10/100/1000 Ethernet Extended Temperature Media Converter 13  
Installation Guide  
Method 1  
1. Set the Link Mode to Standard on both media converters.  
Leave all other switches in the Up position.  
2. Connect the copper device to the copper port on the media  
converter. The LKC LED light indicates good copper  
connection. If the LKC LED is not lit, check the copper cable  
and the attached device.  
3. Repeat for the far end media converter.  
4. Connect the fiber cable to both media converters. The LKF  
LED indicates good fiber connection. If no LKF LED, check the  
fiber cabling. Ensure the transmitter and receiver pairs are  
5. Return the units to the desired configuration. Connect the  
power source to the Media converter.  
Method 2:  
The fiber connection can also be verified by configuring the remote  
media converter for loopback mode. The LKF LEDs on both media  
converters should be lit. Data should pass through the local  
converter, over the fiber connection to the remote media  
converter. At the remote media converter, the data will be looped  
back and passed through the fiber, back to the local converter and  
passed to the copper link.  
Technical Specifications  
Power Input / Consumption: 6-16V DC / 2.6 W at 12VDC  
Operating Temperature:  
Storage Temperature:  
Operating Humidity:  
Storage Humidity:  
Operating Altitude:  
-40°C to 75°C (-40°F to 167°F)  
-40°C to 85°C (-40°F to 185°F)  
5% to 90% non-condensing  
5% to 95% non-condensing  
Up to 3,048 m (10,000 ft)  
150 mm by 95 mm by 26 mm  
MTBF SC/ST Models:  
MTBF SFP Models:  
Perle 10/100/1000 Ethernet Extended Temperature Media Converter  
Installation Guide  
Fiber Optic Specifications:  
TX Power  
RX Power  
TX: 850  
RX: 850t.  
Min: -9.5  
Max: -4  
Min: -17  
Max: -3  
TX: 1310  
RX: 1310.  
Min: -9.5  
Max: -3  
Min: -20  
Max: -3  
TX: 1310  
RX: 1490  
Min: -9  
Max: -3  
Min: -20  
Max: -3  
TX: 1490  
RX: 1310  
Min: -9  
Max: 3  
Min: -20  
Max: -3  
Note 1  
Note 1: Fiber characteristics will depend on the SFP fiber module  
It is recommended the SFP fiber modules used with this product  
are rated for ambient temperature -40°C to 85°C (-4 0°F to 185°F)  
Fiber Cabling Requirements:  
50/125 microns or 62.5/125 microns  
9/125 microns  
Ethernet Copper Cabling Requirements:  
Category 5 UTP or STP  
24-22 AWG  
Straight through or Ethernet crossover  
Note: Please refer the product page on the Perle website for the  
most up to date models and specifications:  
Perle 10/100/1000 Ethernet Extended Temperature Media Converter 15  
Installation Guide  
Compliance Information  
This product has been found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device,  
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide  
reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated  
in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate  
radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the  
instructions in this Guide, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.  
Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful  
interference, in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at  
his/her own expense.  
EN 55022, Class A  
WARNING This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment this product may  
cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take adequate  
EN 55024, Class A  
Laser Safety – IEC 60825-1:2007  
This product meets Class I Laser safety requirements per IEC-60825-1:2007  
standard and complies with FDA/CDRH 21 CFR1040.10 and 21CFR1040.11.  
WARNING: Visible and invisible laser radiation may be present when cables are  
not connected. Do not stare into the beam or view the beam directly with optical  
instruments. Failure to observe this warning could result in an eye injury or  
WARNING: Use of controls, adjustments or the performance of procedures other  
than those specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure.  
Warranty / Registration  
Perle’s standard Lifetime Warranty provides customers with return  
to factory repairs for Perle products that fail under the conditions of  
the warranty coverage. Details can be found at:  
Contacting Technical Support  
Perle Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) at the link:  
© 2012 Perle Systems Limited  
All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or used in any form  
without written permission from Perle Systems.  
Perle 10/100/1000 Ethernet Extended Temperature Media Converter  
Installation Guide  

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